Yes, smoking is a serious threat to the health of teeth. It also leads to tooth staining, tooth loss, not to mention the mouth cancer and gum disease. Anyone with smoking and drinking habit must make it a point to visit the dentist for complete check- up at least one a year. Ideally, the check should be done after every six month.

The loss of enamel is called dental erosion. It is eroded by the acid attack. It removal leads to sensitivity and pain. Fizzy drinks, citrus fruits, smoothies, fruit juices, fruit teas etc. can cause enamel erosion.

Take acid foods and drinks only at meal time. We should also drink the acid drinks through the use of straw. The brushing should not be done at least one hour after drinking and eating anything. The enamel become softer after eating and may loss its mineral content. Let saliva restore its balance.

These days there are technology and techniques, which allow the patient to get the complete root canal done in one sitting also. The dentist at smiledentalhub has the necessary tools and equipment to provide the service in just one sitting.

Yes, everyone can benefit from the preventive dentistry. Anyone from children to adults can benefit from it. Small problems can be checked easily to prevent the costly services later.

You should always use the toothbrush with soft bristles. The hard bristles can damage the tooth and gums. The pressure during the toothbrush should also be soft, for at least 2 minutes. Change your toothbrush after every 3-4 months. Make sure that toothpaste has fluoride. These days herbals toothpaste is also easily available in the market.

Floss clears the food particles stuck between teeth and under the gum line. Flossing also removes plaque, which may harden into tartar. The tartar can widen the gap between teeth and gums.

Regular dental exam help and gives information on the oral hygienic level and prevents the big problem from forming. At least once in 6 month, everyone from an adult to the elder should go for dental exam.

Yes the use of sweet and drinks with acid can stick to the teeth and lead to the formation of the cavities. The chewing on ice can be hard for the teeth. It can break them.

Mouthwash can help when it is used with regular brushing and flossing. But using it only in the place of brushing is not a good idea. Kids should not use the mouthwash, as they may swallow it.

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