
Cosmetic/ Laser Filling

Cosmetic laser filling involves removing unhealthy gum and caries and fill the cavities, with the help of energy of laser, which is in form of heat. The laser is very focus and remains confine to the intend area.

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Bleaching ( Teeth whitening)

Bleaching is done to remove stains and discoloration of teeth. It also removes stains formed of smoking, excessive coffee or tea consumption, red wine, cola and tobacco chewing. The cleaning process is free from any side effect. It leads to enhanced appearance and great smile.

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Teeth Cleaning & Polishing

The process involves the removing of plaque and tartar from teeth, which are not removed by the normal cleaning. The treatment prevents the formation of cavities, gingivitis and periodontal diseases. The smiledental hub has the latest tools to complete the cleaning and polishing in one setting without any pain.

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Painless Root Canal treatment

Root canal is done to perform and save the damaged tooth by removing the affected soft tissue, the pulp, from inside the tooth structure and cleaning the infected tooth. The cleaned part is then filled and a crown is put on the top of the tooth. The treated tooth lasts lifetime.

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Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is done to help adults and kids to straighten the teeth, and bring the teeth to the proper place without the use of visible braces. It is for persons with limited overcrowding, malocclusion, underdeveloped palate, nor arrow upper jaw. The treatment is done with transparent aligner, appliances, and retainers.

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Crowns (Cap) And Bridges

The crown is placed on the tooth to give it a natural shape, size, strength and the bite. It is just like the shape of the tooth. It is put on the entire visible part of the tooth. The bridge is put to cover and fill the gap between teeth.

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Complete Denture / Removal Partial Denture

Mastery of Easy techniques for the removal of complete and partial denture ensures that the person is able to completely clean the teeth at the end of the day. The partial denture is put to give a natural appearance to the missing tooth. It support jaw and gives a natural appearance to the face.

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Oral Surgical Procedures

Oral surgeries are performed in number of cases related to teeth. it is done to remove the crowded or misaligned tooth, wisdom tooth , that is not growing normally , infected tooth , unequal jaw growth , or in case of any facial injury , or broken tooth .

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Dental Implants

Dental implants give a new tooth in place of missing tooth. It is completed by fixing a metal post at the root of the missing tooth and putting an artificial tooth on the extension of the metal post. It gives a natural appearance to the tooth and one can use the tooth just like a normal tooth.

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Extraction Simple/ Surgical

The simple extraction is done when the tooth is clearly visible and is above the gum line and surgery is done when the tooth in not visible, but is causing pain. The process is done when the tooth is broken or decayed or the root of the tooth has died or teeth are crowded.

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Gum Treatment

Gum treatment help adults and kids treat inflammation of the gum that can lead to pain and affects the bone of the tooth. The gum treatment from the smiledental hub is for all types of gum diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. Treatment involves the professional cleaning is of tartar.

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Oral Mouth Cancer Detection

Comprehensive oral mouth detection can lead to the signs of cancer. The examination is completely painless and takes few minutes. The examination involves checking the mouth, jaws, neck, lips, and entire mouth for any sign of possible detection of cancer. It can be done during normal dental checkup.

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